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What is a ballot and how does it work?

A ballot is the process of voting. Every graduate student will receive an invitation to vote via a link sent to their Monash email address. Graduate students will have access to the ballots in which they are eligible to vote. Candidate positions on the ballot paper will be automatically rotated as each new voter logs in. Votes will be automatically tallied. The site is run by an independent online voting company, which assures anonymity and high security. The online voting system will be overseen by the Returning Officer.

What should I include in my candidate's statement?

It is up to each candidate to decide what they want to include in their statement. Areas to consider include: introducing yourself to the graduate student community; what you are studying; your faculty; your campus; your interests; experience you bring to the committee; issues you would like to pursue.

What happens if there are fewer nominations than there are positions?

All eligible nominees are directly appointed to the MGAEC without a ballot being held.

If there is going to be a ballot, do I have to campaign?

It is up to each candidate to decide whether or not they want to campaign. Many graduate student candidates don’t have the time or inclination to campaign due to the pressures of family, study and work, so it is common for candidates to rely solely on their written statements. If you do want to campaign, you must abide by the election regulations that set out instructions as to what you can and can’t do during an election campaign.

How are the general rep positions elected?

There are eleven general representative positions, which can be filled by any enrolled graduate student on any Australian campus of Monash University. If there are more than eleven eligible nominations, then a ballot will be conducted in which all enrolled graduate students are invited to vote. No more than two research and two coursework graduate students from the same faculty can be elected to the general rep positions. At least 50% of the committee positions must be held by women.

How are the campus-tagged rep positions elected?

There is one campus-tagged representative position for each of the Victorian campuses (Clayton, Caulfield, Parkville and Peninsula), which can be filled by any graduate student enrolled through the relevant campus. For example, the Peninsula campus representative position can only be filled by a Peninsula-enrolled graduate student. If there is more than one eligible nomination for each campus representative position, then a ballot will be conducted in which all enrolled graduate students at the relevant campus are invited to vote. For example, if there are three nominations for the Peninsula campus position, then a ballot would be conducted in which only Peninsula-enrolled graduate students vote.

What is the difference between the general representative positions and the campus-tagged representative positions?

All MGAEC members can raise, speak to or vote on any issue discussed at the MGAEC meetings. However campus-tagged reps have the additional role of raising any campus-specific issues for discussion. They are also responsible for running small, campus-based social events. Campus-tagged representatives can apply for any office-bearer position except that of President. General representatives can apply for any office-bearer position.

Can I apply for both a campus-tagged representative position and a general representative position?

The nomination form gives graduate students the opportunity to apply for both a campus-tagged representative position and a general representative position. Both elections will run simultaneously; however, the campus-tagged representative positions will be determined first. Where a graduate student has applied for both positions and has been successfully elected to a campus-tagged position, their nomination for a general representative position will be automatically voided.

How do I nominate for an office-bearer position?

Office-bearer positions are not directly elected – they are elected from within the newly established committee, usually at the first meeting. Office-bearer positions are: President, Vice-President, Research Education Officer, Coursework Education Officer, International Students’ Officer, Women’s Officer, Queer Officer and Indigenous Students’ Officer. All office-bearers have specific duties, which are set out in section 14 of the MGA constitution.


Looking for more information?

If you are wondering what is involved in being a committee member, take a look at our MGAEC FAQ page.

The MGA team

Got a question or request about anything at all? Get in contact with one of our staff members – we’d love to hear from you. Alternatively, drop by the MGA office at Clayton or Caulfield so we can help!

Meet your current elected representatives

Curious to know who’s representing you at the moment? Get to know your elected representatives, what they do and how you can get involved.

Work for the MGA

The MGA employs Monash graduate students to fill the receptionist roles at the Clayton and Caulfield offices. When a vacancy arises we advertise the position through our email newsletter and on our website.

The Monash Graduate Association (MGA) is the representative body for all graduate research and coursework students enrolled at Monash University. So, what sets us apart from the University services? The MGA is an independent, not-for-profit association governed by graduate students, for graduate students. Our primary aim is to be there for you! If you can’t find what you are looking for, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

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Acknowledgement of Country

We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land on which our four Australian campuses stand and their continuing connection to the land on which we live and work. We pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.