Tips for navigating milestones

Here's how to set yourself up for success as a research student
The research journey is a long one. It’s incredibly common to lose sight of what you need to get done and when. It is important to be prepared for each milestone well before it is due.
Talk to your supervisor
The most important thing to remember when setting and trying to complete your milestones is to stay in regular communication with your supervisor. They can guide you through the process and provide critical feedback on your progress.
You should never initiate a milestone if you’re not confident that you will pass it on time. The consequences for failing to pass a milestone are high and you may be at risk of being removed from your course. Again, this is where your supervisor and other faculty staff members can help you! If in doubt, ask them.
What happens if you don’t make the due date of your milestone
Don’t panic! You have up to 2 months (EFT) from the due date to complete your milestone. Just make sure you use that window of time to do so. If you are struggling with progress, you may have other options such as taking leave to help pause the clock.
What happens if you fail a milestone
You will be given a second chance! If your panel believes that you have not yet met the requirements of your milestone, they are required to provide you with clear instructions on actions to be undertaken and an appropriate deadline. The panel will then reconvene to ultimately determine if you have satisfied the requirements of the milestone. It is again important that you consult your supervisor to help you prepare for these tasks.
You can read more about managing milestones here.
You can read more about progress management in general here.
Do you have more questions?
If you are unsure about anything else to do with your research journey, don’t hesitate to touch base with us at