Special consideration
As a Monash student, you’re required to complete assessment tasks to demonstrate you have achieved the learning outcomes of the units. You normally have one chance to complete each assessment task or exam.
If you can’t complete an assessment task or exam due to exceptional circumstances beyond your control, you may be eligible for special consideration.
If you’re granted special consideration, you may be given an extension, another assessment or a deferred exam, but your original assessment result can’t be changed.
If you believe you were prejudiced in your performance during the examination for any reason, then it is important to either lodge a special consideration application within time, or make a formal complaint in writing to your unit leader.
Click here to read more on special consideration.
Deferred exams and final assessment
If your application for special consideration is successful, you may be granted a deferred exam or alternative assessment task.
Click here to read more on deferred exams and final assessment.
Supplementary exams and assessment
You can be granted a supplementary assessment for no more than two failed units in one course. The chief examiner for the unit will determine whether this is in the form of an additional exam or assessment task.
You do not apply for a supplementary exam or assessment task. If applicable, your faculty will offer it to you.
Click here to read more on supplementary exams and assessment.
Alternative assessment arrangements
If you have a disability or medical condition, it may be possible to sit your exams under alternative or special conditions. Common alternative arrangements include:
- extra time
- special venue
- specialised technical equipment or furniture
Click here to read more on alternative assessment arrangements.
If you have concerns about your results
Not everyone will get the positive result they’re hoping for. If you have concerns about a result, don’t panic – see your options for a failed unit (N or NGO) or withheld result (WI). Your faculty can advise how to deal with these results or with an invalid unit. They can also let you know if you can view your exam scripts.
Course advice
If you fail an examination you can request to view the paper. It is important therefore to set up an appointment with your lecturer. Ascertain whether it has been re-marked by someone else.
The first step is to get some course advice by contacting your faculty during business hours. For contact details, see a list of who to talk to for course advice.
Reduce anxiety and stress
If you need help dealing with stress or coping with study or university life, help is only a phone call away.
For an appointment during business hours, call Monash Counselling & Psychological Services on 9905 3020.
To speak to someone after hours and on weekends, call the relevant number below:
1300 STUDENT (1300 788 336)
Examination Procedures
It is essential that all postgraduates recognise the necessity of strict adherence to all examination rules and procedures that are in effect at Monash University.
Click here and here to read Monash University’s examination procedure.
Exam Policy Changes
Please be aware that you can no longer cancel an exam once you have entered the exam venue to sit for the exam. If you become ill during an exam, you can ask for a nurse to attend you. If you cannot continue with the exam the nurse may (but does not have to) provide you with a medical certificate, which you can use to apply for special consideration. You also have the option to go to the doctors after you leave the exam but you must do this as soon as possible. If you leave the exam, make sure you speak to the exam staff to obtain an information sheet that explains what you need to do. In summary, it is important for you to remember that there is no longer any guarantee that special consideration will be granted, so if possible, try to finish the exam.
At the exam…
If you have a complaint about examination questions not making sense, an invigilator present during the examination will usually contact the relevant academic to clarify the situation at the time of the examination.
If you ask an invigilator the meaning of a question or the meaning of word in a question – the invigilator is instructed not to assist. Invigilators are not permitted to interpret words or questions for students. This is because they are not academics, and do not have any special knowledge of the area and there is a risk that even in interpreting a non-technical phrase, they could be providing the wrong information.