Would you like to be a graduate representative on a University committee?
Are you someone with good ideas, looking to make a difference to your graduate student community?
Representing your student group on a Monash central committee is a great way to shape the University experience for all students.
The MGA is calling for expressions of interest for a number of graduate representatives to serve on various University committees in 2024! As an elected graduate student representative, you have the opportunity to offer the committee your unique perspective and views on various issues and aspects of university life, contribute to the decision-making process and actively participate in the initiatives that impact campus life. These roles come with real responsibility – your input can help ensure that the university’s policies, programs and services align with the diverse needs for the graduate student body.
Here’s a few things you should know:
- These roles are only open to graduate students (PhD, Masters, Grad. Dip or Grad. Cert).
- All students must be enrolled in a recognised graduate program on a Victorian campus of Monash University.
- Graduate students can apply for multiple roles.
- The terms for each role will span from 1 January – 31 December 2024.
The appointment process for University committees is conducted by the MGA, an independent external organisation. You can read more about how this all works here.
No prior experience in committee work is required. All we ask is that you come with a professional and respectful attitude, a genuine interest in improving the student experience and a commitment to attend all of the listed meetings for the respective committees below. If this sounds like you, we encourage you to get in touch!
For more information, please contact our Graduate Liaison Officer, Natasha Singh Raghuvanshi on mga-reps@monash.edu.
Current opportunities:
Are you someone with ideas, initiative and a strong drive, ready to represent graduate research students? Are you currently enrolled in MADA, Arts, Business and Economics, Education, or Law? If this describes you, keep reading and consider nominating yourself!
The MGA is calling for nominations for the position of HASS Graduate Research Student Representative to sit on the Monash University Graduate Research Committee (GRC).
The Graduate Research Committee is the University's primary body responsible for overseeing graduate research, including the development of policies and the management of operational matters related to graduate research throughout the University. To learn more, click here.
Here are a few things you should know:
- The term of office runs from appointment until at least December 31, 2025. It is important that you are available for the entirety of this appointment.
- The first meeting will be held on Friday, 19 February.
- To be eligible for this role, you must have successfully completed your confirmation of candidature.
- The entire appointment process is conducted by the Monash Graduate Association (MGA), an external organisation independent from the University.
Nominations are now open and will close on Sunday, 19 January 2025 11:00pm AEST.
*After nominations close, shortlisted candidates will be invited by the MGA to further discuss the position and their suitability for the role.
For more information or if you have any questions, please contact mga-reps@monash.edu.