Each year, up to fifteen graduate students are elected to form the MGA Executive Committee (MGAEC). The role of this committee is to represent graduate student interests within the university.
Office-bearers focus on addressing specific issues such as those affecting women, international, LGBTQIA+ and Indigenous graduate students. Campus representatives address student issues at the four main Victorian campuses.
The MGAEC meets every month to make decisions on how the MGA operates, how graduate student funds are spent and how the MGA can improve the overall Monash University graduate student experience. Observers are welcome: please email Janice Boey for details of the next meeting.
From time to time, graduate student members on the MGAEC complete their studies and leave Monash part-way through their term of office on the MGAEC. Where a vacancy arises between annual elections, graduate students can be co-opted to the committee.
Here is our 2024 Election Report.
We currently have vacancies on the Executive Committee, if interested please refer to this page.
Executive Committee 2024 - 2025