During a group meeting, you will make several decisions that will dictate the operation of your group. Whenever you aim to finalise a decision, this is called a motion. One member of the executive committee must call a motion and another member must second the motion for it to be finalised. Make sure that neither member has any conflict of interest with the matter being motioned, otherwise the motion is invalid!
During a meeting, a member of your team should be taking notes of every discussion and motion that’s moved. After the meeting, they should collate all the information into a set of minutes. Minutes are essentially evidence that the executives of a group have moved motions and settled on a plan that they will action moving forward.
When writing out minutes, you can use the MGA Meeting Minute Template as a starting point, which can be found in Group Resources, under Sample Documents. Make sure to include all the attendees and all the motions from a meeting. Once they have been written up, they should be distributed to all executive members.